Download clash of heroes xbox 360
Download clash of heroes xbox 360

download clash of heroes xbox 360

Originally released as a Nintendo DS title back in 2010, Clash of Heroes was very well received, with an Xbox 360, PS3 and PC HD port released a year later.

download clash of heroes xbox 360

For the first two weeks of October highly rated puzzle game Might & Magic Clash of Heroes, usually priced as £9.99 on the Xbox Live Marketplace, will be on offer to subscribers.

download clash of heroes xbox 360

Introduced earlier this year, the Games with Gold scheme provides Xbox Live Gold subscribers with a free downloadable game every two months, and has included titles such as Dead Rising 2 and Crackdown over the past few months. Microsoft has announced the latest game on offer as part of the rewarding Games with Gold scheme. Puzzle game, Might & Magic Clash of Heroes, will be free for Xbox Live Gold members to download in the first two weeks of October.

Download clash of heroes xbox 360